Meet Lucas

In October of 2019, what started out as a family trip to Cancun spiraled into something that would change Lucas' family forever.
Lucas complained of persistent wrist pain for a few days until he was taken to the doctor with pain that woke him up from his sleep. After receiving bloodwork, his parents were assured that it was only growing pains, and that he would recover soon. The pain quickly spread to his elbows and wrists, and Lucas was taken back to the doctor where he received an MRI on his neck. The results of the MRI were normal; However, his parents were certain that something was terribly wrong and they would stop at nothing to find answers. Finally, after noticing that Lucas was growing increasingly pale each day, his mother requested a CBC Panel, hoping that her intuition was wrong.
The following day, his parents received a phone call that would shake their world: Lucas was showing signs of Leukemia and would need to be checked into the hospital immediately for a chest x-ray, a biopsy, and spinal tap that would rule out any other infection. Gripped with fear, Lucas' mother took him to the hospital for testing. On the way in, Lucas' nose started to bleed as his mother fought back her tears.
Lucas had always been a completely healthy, active little boy. He even worked through his pain to finish out his baseball season. And so suddenly, he became incredibly ill. Lucas' doctor was both caring and thorough, and he reassured his family every step of the way that no matter what, Lucas would be okay.
When they returned home, Lucas' major-foodie appetite had diminished and he began to show visible signs of illness. On Friday, November 21, 2019, just days before his 9th birthday, Lucas was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. His parents, devastated, were determined to move forward with his birthday party that weekend. Immediately following his party, Lucas' parents informed him that his blood was sick, and that he would have to spend some time in the hospital. Terrified and angry, Lucas insisted that he was fine and that he was no longer in pain.
That evening, Lucas was admitted into the hospital to begin intensive treatment. He and his parents were forced to spend 90% of their time in the hospital, switching off to spend time with their other children, over the next 6-7 months. He began chemotherapy while his mother watched, helplessly, as the nurses pricked him with needles and hung his medication. An hour in, Lucas began to vomit.
Lucas received chemotherapy every 12 hours for 10 consecutive days. He grew very sick very quickly. Lucas developed sepsis, a serious infection in his blood that scared his nurses. He was also diagnosed with typhlitis - a severe condition that reduced his survival rate to 50%, and overall, he would undergo 10 blood transfusions per month.
Throughout his treatment, Lucas remained the same soft-spoken, playful, and charming little boy that he was before. When his appetite returned, he sent his dad on foodie missions, pranked his nurses, and flash-mobbed in the hospital hallways with his medical team. He reassured his mother that he would beat cancer, and after his first month of treatment, he was in remission. Lucas has returned home and is continuing to thrive alongside his family.
Lucas continues his medical journey with residual liver damage from the treatment that he received; However, his Rooms to Thrive makeover will serve as a reminder of a journey traveled and conquered.